Exhibit 3.0 integration

A new version of Exhibit is underway, which seems to me a wonderful opportunity for Zotero programmers to see what they could do to make Zotero-records more accessible and friendly to Exhibit applications. The following is an extract of something I just posted on the SIMILE Widgets discussion list:
My top-three list for things I'd like to see in Exhibit 3.0: 1. Closer integration with Zotero or other bibliographic programs. Such attention would be key, given how the official press releases are targeting the academic and library community, who are increasingly using, and wishing to display, data housed in reference management software. Currently we rely upon Babel to convert data exported from Zotero, and Babel has problems. (See a summary of the issues at http://www.zotero.org/support/kb/exhibit ) Zotero is very active, and I'm sure they would be happy to collaborate with the Exhibit team on a protocol that eliminates intermediaries.
It would be nice if users could export Zotero records directly to a json format, or if a bridge could be set up so that websites using javascript library of Exhibit 3.0 can access public Zotero collections.

What is the way forward to allow these two projects to speak to each other?
  • Probably best to post this to zotero-dev. There are several options that I can think of:

    Adapting Exhibit to handle Bibliontology RDF
    Using CSL JSON
    Developing a cross-vendor solution for storing bibliographic metadata as JSON (perhaps extending CSL JSON)
    Creating a Zotero export translator to write whatever JSON Exhibit uses internally
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