unable to use Advanced Search

It's entirely possible this is operator error, but the Advanced Search function appears to only work with my personal library. Does this feature not work with group libraries? I couldn't find anything in the documentation about this, so I apologize if the answer is somewhere in plain sight and I missed it.
  • Right-click on the group ->New Saved Search
  • Just as I thought -- operator error. No doubt that simple solution is somewhere in the instructions, but I sure couldn't find it. Anyway, thanks for your quick response.
  • No, it's really just that groups were added long after Advanced Search, and nobody has gotten around to adding a group selection feature to the window. Doing it via saved searches was just a quick workaround.
  • Completely understandable. Thanks for all your great work!
  • edited December 10, 2012
    I have been evangelizing Zotero, successfully, in my circels, but this is a bummer:

    *Advanced Search is not possible in groups*

    Yes, there is this workaround with saved searches (thank you, Dan), but this was discussed here
    3 years ago, and clever user "fredbacon" found why -- it's disabled. I found the same disabling code in the latest stand-alone Zotero (, Mac OS), and unfortunately disabling the disabling code ;-) leads to hangs in Zotero.

    Please, please, get this working!
    Since my group went entirely to Zotero, all records are in group folders, and advance search only works using the "saved searches" work-around. It should be easy to fix, given that it is currently intentionally disabled, and the current situation is worse than the lack of a GUI for selecting which groups to search.

    Thank you, best, Michael
  • edited December 10, 2012
    We're not going to show results across all libraries. This needs a library selection UI, which somebody has to create.
  • Dear Dan:

    Thanks for responding. When I look into the file "advancedSearch.js" (as detailed by fredbacon) I do see the "FIXME" flag and the disabling of advanced search for group folders. Is the "library selection UI" really that necessary? If it would search across all group folders this would already be better than the current situation, which is: Have all stuff in groups, and no returns on Advanced Search.
    Best, Michael.
  • Yes, I think having the results be just from My Library, with a workaround for searching each group, is better than showing results from all libraries without a library selection UI—which would mean, for many people, showing many different copies of items or showing items they've never seen before.
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