Vancouver and thesis
Can be a mistake of my part but, in Vancouver style, a thesis is write like that (non english exemple) :
Cisse A. Connaissances et comportements sexuels des jeunes de 15-29 ans sur les M.T.S. et le SIDA a Bamako [master's thesis]. [Quebec (QC)]: Laval University; 1993. 69 p. French.
With Zotero and Vancouver style (2/27/2010), I have this :
Cisse A.Connaissances et comportements sexuels des jeunes de 15-29 ans sur les M.T.S. et le SIDA a Bamako, 1993
no place, no language and no page number.
Thank you for explications
Ref :
Can be a mistake of my part but, in Vancouver style, a thesis is write like that (non english exemple) :
Cisse A. Connaissances et comportements sexuels des jeunes de 15-29 ans sur les M.T.S. et le SIDA a Bamako [master's thesis]. [Quebec (QC)]: Laval University; 1993. 69 p. French.
With Zotero and Vancouver style (2/27/2010), I have this :
Cisse A.Connaissances et comportements sexuels des jeunes de 15-29 ans sur les M.T.S. et le SIDA a Bamako, 1993
no place, no language and no page number.
Thank you for explications
Ref :
an updated version of Vancouver that mostly fixes dissertation (except for the language that's not possible) is now available from here:
download by right-clicking on the link and "save as..." then drag the donwloaded vancounver.csl to any open FF window to update your style and click OK when prompted.
Edit: I won't update the style for Zotero 2.0.x - I'm switching all my style development to csl 1.0/Zotero 2.1 and I won't do everything twice.
Thank you very much for your work.