Zotero does not retain window settings

Somewhere in the 2.1 Betas, Zotero started to "forget" my window settings. For example, I have to hide the tag selector or choose different colums for the middle pane. This happens nearly every time I start Zotero (but, strangely, not every time - Zotero seems to be able to "remember" the settings for a short time).
I find the same strange behavior under both Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows XP, regardless whether the "Delete history when closing Firefox" option is switched on or not.
Anything to do about it?
  • And there is another bug that might be connected to the above-mentioned behavior: Only sometimes is it possible to change the column width in the middle pane. Most of the times it doesn't work.
  • Delete localstore.rdf (which stores window settings) in your Firefox profile directory and restart Firefox.
  • Thank you. I had tried that before (and tried it just now), but there seems to be no effect. The behavior hasn't changed. I can change window settings but after restarting FF several times the settings are reset to default.
    Shouldn't my localstore.rdf contain at least the word "zotero" somewhere? I searched it and couldn't find any Zotero settings in localstore.rdf, neither in the old one nor in the newly built one.
  • After deleting localstore.rdf and restarting, are all of your window settings reset? They should be.
  • Dan, I switched from using persist attributes to serializing the data in the preferences so that it persists between the pane and the tab.

    jgr, can you confirm the following:

    1) If you have only a single Firefox window open, and you change the tag selector height, columns, etc. in the Zotero pane, you can restart Firefox and open the Zotero pane and the changes you've made persist.
    2) If you open Firefox but do not open the Zotero pane, and then restart Firefox, the settings are reset.

    If so, I think I've fixed this.
  • Great! Thank you, Simon. I can indeed confirm the behavior you are describing.
  • @Simon - I'm not sure if I'm doing things properly, but option 1) does not seem to work for me. In my case, tabbed mode behaves differently to pane-mode, in tabbed mode no matter what I do it does not seem to save, but in pane mode it does.

    I've got a ton of extensions, the ones which may affect this are tab mix plus (beta) and pentadactyl.
  • edited March 9, 2011
    Tab mode won't save at all due to the same bug. It should be fixed in 2.1rc2.
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