manual citation entry CLUNKY

hi. i'm not sure whether this post "fits" in this category, but here goes:

i just spent an hour manually entering citations into zotero (these were the leftover ones that, for various reasons, i didn't already have in endnote). in every case that i have 'automatically' added citation information from a website into zotero, i've had to do quite a bit of manicuring, so these comments apply to very broadly...

there are three features (bugs?) of the interface that _really_ slow down manual entry in zotero:

1) getting "in" to each field takes at least two clicks of my mouse. the first click seems to highlight the field (or 'release' you from another field that you've been typing into) but doesn't allow you to alter anything, the second (or third!) click actually allows you to enter text. when you combine this with the tendency of the fields to change size based on how much text has just been entered, you end up with _lots_ of clicks (like, 4) to get into most of the fields.

2) the "tab" feature does not work in a consistent way. for example, tabbing into a new field does not allow you to edit that field--it just serves as the "first" click (see above). also, when you try to tab from the author first name to the next field, the 'tab' starts moving you around in a different zotero window (the 'collections' frame) altogether and messes totally unrelated stuff up...

3) the "autofill" feature in the fields that have it stays open sort of indefinitely until you click on another field. this means that if you want to proceed from one field with the 'autofill' feature enabled to the field below it (like "publication" down to "volume"), you have to click on a _third_ field to clear the autofill so that you can get access to the "volume" field ('cause it's covered up by the 'autofill').

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