Add a localID field and use it on export to bibtex/RDF

It would help enormously to integrate Zotero in the LaTeX community to have a localID field for an entry which is

1) Settable by the user
2) Visible in the GUI
3) Used as the most-preferred identifier on export:
*) In bibtex as the citekey
*) In RDF/XML as the rdf:about attribute

It's not a bibtex only problem as biber will soon have a driver which enables it to read the RDF/XML format export and so this can be used directly as a source for biblatex. The absence of a user-defined key which makes it into the export formats is a big stumbling block currently. I know there are other threads/feature requests about this but I want to add another vote as it directly impacts current biber development and since biber will soon handle Zotero RDF/XML, it's not just a bibtex export issue any more.
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