Control of sort order in generated report

The Zotero "generate report from selected item" function lists notes in no apparent order. Could a future version apply the same sort order in reports that we already have in the Title and Notes panes?
  • edited November 18, 2007
    After generating the report, append "?sort=note" (without the quotation marks) to the end of the url and reload. Notes will be sorted alphabetically. CombineChildIitems preference should be set to "true" for this to work (this is the default setting).
  • edited February 7, 2017
    There is no adress bar incl the url displayed in my report window. How can I display that bar to change the sorting?
  • Ouch, that's a very old topic! Things have changed a lot since the original post…

    I assume you're using Zotero Standalone (which did not exist in 2007…): there's no address bar indeed.
    But you can install Zotero Report Customizer here to change the sorting.
  • Ouch?
    Yeah, I use the Standalone Version and I also already had installed the add on you suggested. Yet it doesn't do anything for me as reports still sort by default. e.g. there is no possibility for me to check or uncheck any fields by which the report should be sorted whatsoever.
  • (it doesn't matter all that much, but "Ouch" because it's generally not considered good practice to revive very old threads -- in Internet lingo people sometimes refer to it as "necroing" topics, i.e. raise them from the dead. When in doubt, start a new thread).

    The report format has changed, I don't think any of the old tools will currently work for customizing reports.
  • thanks. for both, the info on 'ouch' and on the current changes.
    I am so very much stuck on the "end user" level that I didn't even know how to describe my problem! ^^
  • I am not too sure, but one trick was to create your report from a collection. The report will be sorted as your collection contents are. If you are creating a report from search results, copy the results to an empty collection, sort the collection the way you want, then right-click on collection name to create report.
  • Thank you, gurdas. I will try that out asap. :)
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