Libre Office 3.3 zotero bar not visible

The Debug ID is D1348790538

The zotero buttons are not visible in Libre Office anymore. This happened after i reinstalled zotero, as citations were not working (i was getting something like java null point error). The preferences>cite pane shows the word processor plugin as installed. When i try to reinstall, the progress bar goes on forever without anything happening

I'm on Linux Mint 10. Zotero 2.1b7 (crazy, but the stable version was not working either). openoffice integration plugin 3.1b1. Firefox 3.6.13

the paths of the integration directory are:

LM10 came with 3.2 preinstalled, but i switched to Libre Office 3.3 for ethical and practical(docx support) reasons. The directory path therefore is not under "usr" but "opt" (optional?)

Please someone tell me what to do, I am an academic and i've wasted enough time trying to troubleshoot this. Now the two alternatives are :
Disgusting:Go back to Vista/word
Scary: trying to make Lytero and Lyx work together, and learn Latex too

P.S. zotero has worked intermittently on this machine, but only on a new document. on trying to edit an old document, it again goes kaput.
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