kayak - "file not found"

Trying to save airline search results on kayak.

The "paperclip" options are greyed out. So, I "Create Item from Current Page"

However, when I try to retrieve the data, I see the snapshot for a split second but it's soon replaced by a "file not found" error. Also, in the URL area, instead of zotero://attachment/15 (or whatever) I get a really long URL:

If I now edit this URL down back to zotero://attachment/15 now the error doesn't show and the data is shown but the html is all a bit scrambled.

Just curious if this is a general error or something specific to Kayak (orbitz didn't cause this problem).
Also, why can't I use the paperclip in this situation? (lack of translator?)
  • This is specific to JavaScript that Kayak uses on their page. If you disable JavaScript in the Firefox preferences, the page might display properly. We've discussed disabling JavaScript in attachments in the past but haven't come to any resolution about changing the current behavior.

    The attachment functions—i.e., paperclip menu—don't have anything to do with translators (which apply only to the address bar icon). But those are only for creating child attachments for existing regular items.
  • Thanks Dan. That was it indeed. I have no idea what the trade-offs would be but I've always expected that a stored local page should be a "snap-shot" and, thus, static, unencumbered by javascript stuff. So my gut feeling is that it would be a good idea to disable javascript in attachments.
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