Problem combining citations
I am having trouble getting Zotero to combine more than 1 citation within the same set of parenthesis. For example it looks like this:
"The plant community adopted the GO approach when they annotated the Arabidopsis genome (Garcia-Hernandez et al., 2002)(Ware et al., 2002)(Haas et al., 2003) "
rather than:
"The plant community adopted the GO approach when they annotated the Arabidopsis genome (Garcia-Hernandez et al., 2002; Ware et al., 2002; Haas et al., 2003)."
I know I can do it manually through the Edit Citations, but then they will not be updated automatically.
I am using Firefox 3.6.13 and this problem occurs in both Open Office and MS word 2007. Thanks
"The plant community adopted the GO approach when they annotated the Arabidopsis genome (Garcia-Hernandez et al., 2002)(Ware et al., 2002)(Haas et al., 2003) "
rather than:
"The plant community adopted the GO approach when they annotated the Arabidopsis genome (Garcia-Hernandez et al., 2002; Ware et al., 2002; Haas et al., 2003)."
I know I can do it manually through the Edit Citations, but then they will not be updated automatically.
I am using Firefox 3.6.13 and this problem occurs in both Open Office and MS word 2007. Thanks
adamsmithyou can't combine citations like in endnote - the way to go is to use the "Multiple Sources" button in the plugin when you insert (or edit) citations. Citations entered that way will appear in one pair of parentheses and will update.
cooperl09Great, thanks for the tip, adamsmith, that solved the problem.