Changing the citation format for author disambiguation

Hi everyone, I'm working with the CSL of the "American Psychological Association, 6th edition" and I'm trying to change the style for in-text citations when disambiguating author names.

Normally, Zotero will add the given name for an author when "disambiguate-add-givenname" is set to "true". E.g. when you have two authors named Smith, Zotero will add their given names to the citations to distinguish them: (John Smith, 2010) and (Jim Smith, 2010). This is okay for me. However, I'd prefer seeing the given name after the family name, e.g. (Smith, John, 2010).

I've been playing around with the "author-short" macro but didn't get the results I intended, so I was hoping someone more knowledgeable at CSL manipulation could offer some advice.
  • try this. I just added ame-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=", " to the <name... line

    <macro name="author-short">
    <names variable="author">
    <name form="short" and="symbol" delimiter=", " initialize-with=". " name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=", "/>
    <names variable="editor"/>
    <names variable="translator"/>
  • Worked like a charm, thanks!
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