
I am completing a seven chapter book and my reference notes were done with Zotero. There are also other notes which were done just with Word that are comments. At this point, the chapters are each in their own files.

In any case, I have not put together the bibliography yet. If I put all the chapters into one large file, will Zotero be able to generate a bibliography from that? Or is there another approach I should try?

Also, if I do this, will I be able to add or subtract references from the biography?

Your thoughts and advice would be most appreciated.
  • In any case, I have not put together the bibliography yet. If I put all the chapters into one large file, will Zotero be able to generate a bibliography from that?
    Also, if I do this, will I be able to add or subtract references from the biography?
    yes, using the edit bibliography button.

    The only other recommendation is to do this when you're pretty much done with everything - things might slow down somewhat with a large book-length document.
  • Thank you! I have another pretty basic question. Where does this biography "go"?

    In other words, when it's generated, where will it get placed in the manuscript? Or would it go into its own file? How do I control that?
  • it gets placed wherever your cursor is when you click the "insert bibliography" button.
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