Zotero-Tab: Plugins not visible in context menu

Using Zotero 2.1b6., FF 4.0b10 OSX 10.6.6 Have installed the plugins Zotfile, Zoterename, ZoteroQuicklook. All of them work flawlessly as long as I stick to Zotero in reduced panel-mode or full screen mode. If I use Zotero as tab – as is possible since 2.1b5 – the functionality of the three plugins disappears. Since the setup on my box for both the panel-view (all ok) and the tab-view (no functionality) is identical, I suspect the issue lies not with the plugins but with Zotero's tab-view. If I open both in the same window (as described here) the bottom pane (i.e. the reduced panel) shows the context menu with the offered functionality from all three plugins and all of them work, the top half (i.e. the Zotero-tab-view) doesn't show the extended context menu. Obviously, I'm trying this with identical items in my library. Any ideas?
  • that's a known issue - see here (towards the bottom)
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