Parent/Child Info When Generating Reports

I have an issue generating reports from bibliography that I am trying to fix. For writing purposes I generate reports from "child" items. This gives me the note, plus the title of the "parent" item at the top of the page. However, I'd like to modify the "parent" item information so that it gives me more detail--specifically, the author and title of the parent item.

To give a concrete example: my report generated from my notes on p. 3 of Sean Goudie's _Creole America_:

Parent Item: Creole America: The West Indies and the Formation of Literature and Culture in the New Republic
003: describes Rendon letter on American diplomacy

I'd like to get this as an output:
Parent Item: Sean X. Goudie, Creole America: The West Indies and the Formation of Literature and Culture in the New Republic
003: describes Rendon letter on American diplomacy

Is there any way I can customize this?
  • I would also like this. I want some way of modifying the title that's displayed in the heading for each entry in a report, or in the "parent item" heading. Ideally, it would be great to get a formatted reference in that heading, but even just adding the author's last name would be immensely helpful. I've played around with the js and css files for reports, but I'm not enough of a programmer to figure this out, and anyway I suspect it's code in another file that controls this, which I haven't found and which would be over my head.
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