TRanslator Error Journal of Reproduction and Devellopement

error number: 1223134712

Zotero version : 2.0.9
Firefox 3.6.13
Translator up to date
on the Zotero icon -folder shaped- in the adress bar, the tooltip shows " Save to zoter ... (J-Stage)"
No incompatible extension is installed

I tryed to save several citation on Zotero from that journal and each time the zotero icon was the foler looking on, and did not save the paper, showing the error message L: could not save item
i checked the known translator issues and was unsucessfull to solve the problem.

Thank you
  • By the way, my OS at work is MAC OS 10.8.5 and Home Ubuntu 10.4 LTS, The issue occurs on both computers
  • This is one of those translators that hasn't been touched in ages. Did this previously work for you?
  • To be honest, when i am with a computer, i have no idea what it does, i just click were it usually works , on the adress bar, after the URL there is a zotero icon, and so far it always worked this way. I can tell you that it seem specific to that journal, other jounals work without problem, and i don't remember having the problem in the past.
    On the website of the journal of reproduction and development , there are a few papers that i've tryed to "get" on the same website, without success ...
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