I have moved a folder that I want to share with my colleagues from My Library into my Group Libraries. The group space is shared but neither I nor my colleagues see the folder when the log into Zotero. What am I doing wrong?
  • please don't use all caps in titles.

    Seems like you're doing everything right - maybe sync isn't working?
  • Well, I've started fresh, deleted the old group, and created a new one. Does this process take a while to sync (as in hours)? All I see is the old, deleted group in my left bottom pane and no sign of the new group I've created. I've invited my colleagues to joint, but of course they can't see anything since I haven't been able to add a collection: nothing to add it to as the new group is not yet visible. Do I just need to be patient all day. I've named the new group Center_Library. Will that name work? I'm hoping that, once I see the new group, I can add the 1,667 item collection to it. I like using Zotero, but getting the Group function to work has been really frustrating!
  • Do I need to keep Zotero active in Firefox for the sync to complete? In other words, by shutting down Firefox, do I interrupt the sync process so that it has to start all over again from the beginning? And how long should I expect before the new group shows up? Also, is there a way to delete that old group "WMCAr" from my Group Libraries pane?
  • edited January 31, 2011
    Do I need to keep Zotero active in Firefox for the sync to complete? In other words, by shutting down Firefox, do I interrupt the sync process so that it has to start all over again from the beginning?
    [edit: I don't know the details of sync well enough to respond fully to your question, but I've put up this response, so ...] In principle, yes, you should arrange to leave Firefox running until sync finishes or errors out. Until sync actually begins, no data is exchanged, and if you kill Firefox before then, all you do is lose your position in the server job queue, and it will just take that much longer to complete the task.
  • I have been syncing the above changes since yesterday morning. I left Firefox running with Zotero window open all that time. I don't see an error message. Just want to make sure I just must be at the end of a long queue of jobs waiting to sync or in the process of syncing?
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