APA ref list and "advance online publication"
what field can I drop the words "advance online publication" into to correctly format an APA ref list for a journal article in advance of print appearance?
It should look like:
Journal Title. Advance online publication.
It should look like:
Journal Title. Advance online publication.
{:status: Advance online publication}
{:status: Advanced online publication} into the Extra field. We'll have something more elegant at some point in the future, but not sure how soon (if it's just going to be a status field, that could be pretty soon, but if we want it to be smarter than that, it'll take some time).
Are these extra field entries documented somewhere? Those are a few I came across now in the forums:
{:itemType: dataset}
{:doi: 10.4232/1.12565}
{:version: 1.0.0}
And now:
{:status: Advance online publication}
It would be great to have some kind of reference to look such things up. Maybe, I was just blind and it already exists.
This syntax allows you to code any CSL variable into any Zotero item. Here's a list of all CSL variables: http://docs.citationstyles.org/en/stable/specification.html#appendix-iv-variables
note that {:itemType: dataset} doesn't actually work. For DOIs you should use
DOI: 10.4232/1.12565
instead, which _is_ official Zotero syntax until DOIs are widely added to item types.