Author-date style without url/date
I am looking for a style that is almost like the Chicago-Manual of Style (Author date), but the bibliography should NOT include the date accessed and url for articles. Can I already generate this in a word doc or is this something that still needs to be developed?
The short term solution is to clear out your URL field,or to move the link over to a note.
Probably the Chicago styles (and most others?) should default to "don't include URI information in Ref List/long footnotes if print-citation information is available." (Then you can still get URLs included for online pages which have no other citable source.) But this raises a some issues. How do you know that you have full print metadata? (and see links below)
And the URL field probably needs to be made into a few fields, or the translators just need to add database URLs into linked notes.
There are some previous discussions on this last issue.
(and linked posts)