Continuously sync from server

Almost every day, my Zotero library is empty except for maybe 5-10 sources. My online/server zotero library is completely fine. All references, proper folders, etc. I go to preferences, click sync, reset : reset from library server. Everything goes fine. All sources are now back in my library. The next day, the same thing. I have to resync everything back from the server library. Really annoying when I'm trying to add references in the morning & nothing pops up.
Can any one tell me how to fix this??
  • We've never had a report of anything like this—and it's not really possible for Zotero itself to do what you describe.

    Does it revert to the same items? Are you using Dropbox or a similar external file syncing tool? Have you tried disabling your other Firefox extensions? When does it occur?
  • As Dan indicates, this sounds suspiciously like a syncing or backup system gone wrong -- the behavior your seeing is precisely what you'd get if an automated sync was overwriting your Zotero data directory with old contents.
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