Science style testing

I created an Science journal style CSL. Anyone who wants to test this can follow these steps:

1) Go to the ticket (its stashed under a Harvard trac report currently)

2) Click on the attachment labelled science-raw.csl . Scroll to the bottom of the attachment page and click "Original Format" under "Download in other formats".

3) Open the downloaded CSL file in a text editor (e.g. drag into Notepad or TextEdit) and copy the contents to the clipboard.

4) In a Zotero-enabled Firefox, load chrome://zotero/content/tools/csledit.xul. Open the Zotero pane and select some items. Paste the CSL contents into the large text area, and you should see a preview of the items in the APSA style.

I'm not sure I've got everything covered yet, so let me know. Its a little weird not having titles!

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