Quick change and simple addition of OpenURL resolvers


The selection of an an OpenURL resolver is still pretty hidden in Zotero 1.0. If you need to use multiple resolvers, its a pain to switch.

Could you add an icon the the "Find"-Button to directly show the dropdown-list of OpenURL resolvers? User should be able to change the resolver with two clicks (1. open dropdown list, 2. select) and add a new resolver with three (1.open dropdown list, 2. select "...add", ...type in URL... 3. OK)

Most people neither want to, nor have to now what an "OpenURL resolver" is - if you directly link the selection of the resolver with the "Find" button, its simple to understand: The proposed dropdown selection next to the "Find" button just lets you specify "where to find" or "who to make find" - OpenURL is just an internal protocol that a user should not be bothered with.

Thanks and greetings,
  • Great suggestion, I'd love to see that feature too!

    Living in Berlin, I am using several different libraries simultaneously. Changing the resolver URL back and forth in preferences is quite painful. The ability to save and directly access a user set of resolvers and run a search on any of them with a single click in a drop-down list would therefore dramatically enhance usability for any multi-library-user.

    BTW, I've compiled a list of OpenURL resolvers for German libraries, see:
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