In-text citations

I wish all of you guys a happy new year,

searching and looking around within the forums I didn't really find a solution on how to do
in-text citations (e.g.: ... as mulder and mulder (2010) report...). The workaround I found is to hit the button supressing the author which only brings up the date and type in the author(s) name(s) myself which is not the best solution.

Is there a solution for this, or is it already fixed in upcoming versions?

Kind regards,
  • No "suppress author" is not considered a workaround but a solution, so there is no "fix" in sight.
    There are countless thread on the forum explaining that decision and it's rationale - do some searching if you're interested.
  • Thank you for the quick reply.
    Thats sad to hear since it encourages misspellings.
    Sorry I didnt find the topic when searching, I'll keep looking around.

    Kind regards and have a happy New Year,
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