Site translator: is a major multi-library search engine in Denmark. Currently it is not possible to grab citation information directly from to Zotero. I'm not a programming shark - but I know my way around basic XML/HTML. Might it be possible for me to contribute with a translator for - and where do I start?
  • See , but unfortunately the documentation isn't terribly complete or up-to-date.

    I would recommend reading the pages at the link above, then taking a look at several translators already in the repository to get a feel for how these things are constructed. If you run into any trouble or would like someone to test out your code, just post a note on the development mailing list zotero-dev (

    Good luck-- I look forward to seeing this in action!
  • now has COins in place for each search result - references for books should import just fine already, but we will still have a little fine-tuning to do on all our different article types. Danish cataloging practices and the OpenURL description for journal articles don't go well together.
  • OpenURL just isn't robust enough for this to work well. The best way to get metadata into Zotero right now is unAPI, but hopefully we'll get improved embedded RDF support out soon too.
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