Show notes inline on Zotero Everywhere links as in reports

When using the web interface to Zotero, it would be helpful for short notes attached to an item to appear inline, so that annotations aren't kept separated from the item. This is already done, for instance, when generating a report from an item, but for some reason the same decision hasn't been made on the web interface.

A closely related request would be for items under the Related tab of a note to be represented as links in reports and on the web interface, so that a note can compare two papers easily.
  • Define 'short', though. The online interface seems consistent with the center-pane of the zotero in Firefox: all notes are treated as separate items. Presumably one could display notes inline with some javascript magic, so a greasemonkey script may be a reasonable start & would allow you to define 'short' for yourself (and/or those with longer notes wouldn't have to see/wait for them inline).
  • I agree, it is a hard thing to pin down exactly how short notes have to be to make the cutoff, but I don't think that's a blocker. For one, notes are already included inline in generated reports, so there's a precedent. Moreover, with a web interface (as opposed to a static report), tricks like AJAX-powered expanders can be used to keep things tight if needed.

    As for a GM/userscript, that makes a lot of sense, but I still think there's value in making the change for general users.
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