Harvard style testing

  • Is it possible to provide a collection of "recipes" to make some of this easier?

    I want to bracket the year of books and can't figure out how to make this change from one of the existing Harvard styles.

    I also want to have a name like Luke Boys become Boys, L. in output. How should the .csl file be set up and can I just enter the full names as relevant?
  • edited September 20, 2008
    FYI, the documentation used for Harvard 3 seems to be no longer available (http://library.curtin.edu.au/referencing/harvard.pdf), although the website does refer to another (quite extensive) guide at http://www.lib.unimelb.edu.au/cite/harvard_dis/. I obviously can't compare the two, so I don't know if the latter link is a suitable alternative for this style.
  • I'm so glad I found this - Just a little surprised and disappointed that it took me so long to do so (now that I've finished my Master's and all). Any how, no matter, I'm currently affiliated with two institutions - the University of Exeter and the University of Sheffield. Accordingly, I'd like to offer these links to the discussion:


    I hope these help further the general discussion and progress rather than hinder it!
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