crashing on mac osx

Not certain why this is happening - no new updates that I am aware of. I am working on mac os x, 10.6.5, with FF 3.6.12, Zotero 2.0.9, and starting this evening, every time I try to save a new reference with pdf, it collects the reference and pdf, but then hangs up. I have to force quit FF to then restart. Once restarted, the new reference and pdf are intact and fine. but same thing happens each time I download a new reference.

any advise appreciated.

  • Exactly the same problem here! But I noticed some update this morning...

    Please help!
  • Anyone with the same problem?
  • Same problem here. Using OSX 10.5.8, Firefox 3.6.12, Zotero 2.0.9. Firefox crashes every time I try to import the PDF using either save current page, drag and drop, or Store Copy of File... However the file is saved and shows up upon force quitting and restarting Firefox.
  • try moving pdftotext an pdfinfo out of your Zotero folder.
    Restart and try again.
  • Zotero has been doing this for at least a week. I just turned on the zotero debug log, quit firefox, and started it from the terminal. I wasn't able to reproduce it for the debug log, it worked fine. I then turned the debug log off and quit firefox and restarted from the terminal and wasn't able to reproduce it. I quit firefox again and started from the launcher bar and I can't reproduce the bug. Zotero is working fine now.
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