I am having the same problems that were reported here from over a year ago!!!!!!

HELP! this is simply maddening.

Is this a problem with the new version of zotero?

I installed zotero. ok. I installed the word integrator. I try to add a cite. I get the message that I need to update my version of zotero.

Thing is, for a hot second, with the immediately earlier version of zotero, the plugin seemed to work. But then I get from zotero that I need to use the latest version of zotero, which is apparently the beta version. Why MUST I use the beta version - cause when I do, the plugin doesn't work!!!

I must be laboring under the misunderstanding that beta versions are not 'real' or official updates. But that is my experience of what 'beta' means. But I am forced to download it to use the plug in to make cites, but then the plug tells me I need to update with the latest version of the plugin. There is no 'latest version' of the plugin!!

I've been going around in circle all weekend over this damn thing. The FAQ just tells me the same this forum does, blah blah blah. You folks really need to address this problem, as it seems to have NOT been resolved. Thanks.
  • If instead of writing yourself into an angry frenzy you'd take some time to properly describe what's going - including such things as version numbers, OS, word processor and what you have actually installed in which order we might be able to help.

    There is no known bug that does what you describe.
    While there is a beta version of Zotero (2.1beta), the current stable version (2.0.9) will never prompt you to update to the beta - unless you had the 2.1 beta installed before
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