report 2086811461

File name too long, it says. I had been syncing to my own WebDAV, changed to Zotero storage. Don't know if that makes any difference.
  • This shouldn't happen, but find the file referenced in the error message in the Zotero data directory on another synced computer and either delete the associated item in Zotero (after closing the folder view in Explorer) or open the main HTML file for that item in a text editor, modify it, and sync Zotero on that computer, which should trigger a resync of all the files such that the file with the long gibberish filename isn't synced to your current computer.
  • The easiest is probably to just delete the item, choose the delete if Zotero sync shows a conflict, and resave the item on your current computer.
  • I was able to locate the problem file by looking at the "tmp" directory within the Zotero storage folder on my machine. I could see which zip file it crashed on, and then found the file in the matching directory in the "storage" folder. Once I had identified which entry it was for, I went into Zotero and deleted the item. The sync then completed with no errors.

    BTW, it would be fantastic if there were some option in Zotero to use some sort of human-readable folder naming scheme for the local Zotero storage. It would make integration with 3rd party tools so much easier.

    Even if you had to include the current 8-character key in the folder name to ensure uniqueness, it would be a huge thing.

    As things are, I'm thinking of implementing a script that could go through the zotero.sqlite database and (on Linux) make a "human readable" folder structure using symbolic links so that I could then have 3rd party tools like iAnnotate sync themselves with that structure.
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