Toolbar problems Word 2004 Mac


I've been using Zotero for several months now, including 2.1 Beta. Everything worked fine.

Now I have the following problem, I already looked up all the posts and procedures on toolbars and can't fix my problem.

I tried installing on another Mac and the Zotero toolbar fails to show up in Word 2004. I uninstalled Zotero and plugins on my Mac to try to replicate the problem. I replicated it and now can't get the toolbar in Word...

This is what happens:

I do a fresh install of Zotero (2.1 Beta or 2.0.9 - happens with both), and the two plugin files.

I open Word 2004 and there is no toolbar.

I go to Tools>Templates and Add-ins> is not listed there at all.

I click Add...

And find which is in: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Startup/Word

It is then checked and the toolbar shows up in word and all works fine.

HOWEVER, every time I restart word the Zotero toolbar has disappeared, and I have to go into Tools>Templates and Add-ins> is now always listed there but UNCHECKED

So I have to check it and then the Zotero toolbar shows up and all works well.

It is annoying to have to recheck it every time I start Word, and it worked fine before I reinstalled Zotero... Why is always unchecked now...?

Any help appreciated...

  • You should never have to add manually, and we do not recommend doing so.

    Is "/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Startup/Word" the Startup path displayed in Templates and Add-ins?
  • Hi Dan,

    Yeah, I never use to have to do it manually, but since reinstalling or installing Zotero on other machines, I have to do it every time...

    Yep that is the path displayed.

  • I think the problem might be with the file....

    If I replace the file with a file that I have from a few months ago (retrieved it from my trash) the toolbar now shows up every time I restart word, and is now always automatically checked in Tools>Templates and Add-ins>

    However, when I go to insert a reference, as well as the insert reference window appearing, the Firefox window appears between the Word document and the Zotero insert reference window, then goes away when I click on OK. Strange...

    Is it possible the file has changed? ie the one now that comes with the word for mac plugin is different than the one from several months ago?

  • Deleted then reinstalled word components.

    It creates a new in /Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Startup/Word

    but same problem, no toolbar and nothing shows up in Tools>Templates and Add-ins> I have to go to Add... and go through the process described above, and it gets unchecked everytime I restart Word...
  • You might try clearing or other Word settings—this works fine for most people.
  • Deleted and removed all other *.dot files and templates. Reinstalled Zotero from scratch.

    Still same problem.

    Copied my old file which was:
    Created on: Wednesday, 1 September 2010 2:53 PM
    Modified on: Wednesday, 10 November 2010 11:57 AM (most likely the date I updated to 2.1 Beta)

    And all works fine if I replace my with the above old file.

    The only thing that I can think of is that the new created by installing is different to the old one...?
  • Can you try installing the MacWord Integration Trunk XPI (assuming you are on 2.1b2; otherwise, download the MacWord Integration 3.0 Branch XPI) and let us know if it fixes the problem? If so, we'll push another release of the plug-in.
  • Will do, but should I uninstall MacWord Integration 3.1a2 first?
  • It doesn't matter.
  • Hi Simon,

    I'm using 2.1beta

    I deleted the file (because I was using the one from 01Sep10) and reinstalled Mac Plugin for Zotero 2.1 so it creates the file that doesn't work for me.

    I then installed MacWord Integration Trunk XPI and all seems to work fine. The toolbar is up everytime I restart Word, and is automatically checked in Tools>Templates and Add-ins>.

    So it looks like all works fine now.

    I only installed MacWord Integration Trunk XPI, should I also install Extension Trunk XPI?

    Thanks for all the help, much appreciated!

  • should I also install Extension Trunk XPI?
  • Ok, thanks Dan.

    Again, thankyou for all the help.

  • I found this thread because of somewhat similar problems. I installed Zotero and the Word plug-ins on an old Mac powerbook G4 with Word 2004. Everytime I would go to insert a citation, the program would hang and had to be forced to quit. I installed the MacWord Integration 3.0 Branch XPI - and it's working like a charm so far.
    Thank you!
  • There shouldn't be any difference between the branch XPI and the current official release, but I'm glad it's working.
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