New style - Irish Historical Studies

I've uploaded a draft version of the Irish Historical Studies style to the repository.

IHS style is used by that journal and in the History departments of a number of Irish and UK universities. Rules here: .

Comments and requests below please.
  • looks great - very elegant coding - thanks.
  • edited May 26, 2011
    By and large you've realised the IHS style very well. Thank you so much for doing this.

    However, there are a couple of problems with some of the formatting.

    When the footnote refers to a single page from a source a p followed by a point should be used, e.g. "p." and not "p" as currently.

    Similarly when referring to a single editor of a multi-volume text "(ed.)" should be used but not "(ed)" as currently.

    There is also a problem with using quotation marks in the footnotes.

    Quotes should be in single quotation marks. Double quotation marks are to be used only for quotes within quotes.

    However, when I place a quote in the footnotes, using the prefix or suffix field, and enclose it in single quotation marks it automatically changes it to double quotation marks.

    If I change this in the editor apostrophes in the quote can change to a double quotation mark.

    'The cat's tail was very long'
    Changes to:
    "The cat's tail was very long"
    Double quotes removed in the editor:
    'The cat"s tail was very long'

    Likewise if the title for book contains a quote inside single quotation marks this is formatted into double quotation marks.

    'The Cruel Madness of Love': Sex, Syphilis and Psychiatry in Scotland
    changes to:
    "The Cruel Madness of Love": Sex, Syphilis and Psychiatry in Scotland

    Most of these problems can be fixed in the editor, although it would be nice if they could be changed automatically.

    Thank you again.

  • edited May 26, 2011
    Hi Fiachra,

    I've emailed you about this, but I can't readily link any of this behaviour to the style.

    ed/p : this should not be happening and at a quick glance at the style I can't see why it is. If anyone has any suggestions that would be much appreciated. I'm pretty sure this was working fine when the style was uploaded so I suspect I would need to look carefully at what has changed in Zotero since then.

    " & ': to my knowledge, this is not the style. I believe it is designed behaviour in Zotero. I don't have a chance to check right now, but I will try to get to it in due course. Again, i anyone has any suggestions that would be very helpful.
  • Emma - the p/ed is because Zotero put's a "strip-periods="true" with the respective terms - that was added when auto-translating the style to csl 1.0 - in most cases that wouldn't have changed behavior, but because you defined the terms in the style it did.

    The double vs. single quote were changed in Zotero, too - I'm not 100% how to fix this, but part of the problem is probably that you're using a workaround to mark single quotes - Zotero now supports localized quotes - I think if you just switch the style to lang="en-GB" that might do this automatically and you can use quotes="true" instead - otherwise look at a style like "Theory, Culture, and Society" for guidance
  • That might help for quotes.
  • @adamsmith what would have to be done to stop Zotero stripping the periods?
  • oh the style needs to be fixed - in that case it's just removing some lines - I'm hoping Emma will do that.
  • There's another issue as well. When page ranges are entered in roman numerals it formats it as "p xxii-xxiv" instead of "pp xxii-xxiv"

    Also for dates of journal articles you just get the year rather than the month.

    Would these be related to the same issue?
  • the page issue for roman numerals will likely not fix - that's rather tricky.
    The date form for journal articles is coded in the style - Emma will have to address that one.
  • edited May 29, 2011
    Well the roman numerals issue is not very significant.

    If it turns out that Emma is too busy to address these issues how difficult would they be to resolve for someone with no experience of using CSL? What kind of time investment would I be looking at?

    Thanks by the way to everyone who has responded thus far. It is much appreciated.
  • Fiachra - getting the periods back after p, ed etc. you can do yourself:
    First look at this
    then find all instances of
    in the style and simply delete them.

    The quotation mark issue is more complicated, whether this is worth it depends on if you have any experience writing html or xml - if you do I can help get you started, if you don't it's probably better to just wait for someone else to fix it.
  • Great I've fixed the periods problem. Thank you very much.

    Should this fix be uploaded to the style repository or should I wait until someone can give the style a more comprehensive review?
  • Hi,

    Is there any chance of getting some help on the quotations issue?
  • OK, done - the updated version should show up on the repository soon (usually within 30 mins - check for the update date) - no guarantees it will work correctly with quotes, but I think it should.
  • Thank you Adam, it works perfectly.
    You've just saved me a huge amount of tedious work.
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