"Action not supported Invalid procedure call" or "OpenOffice could not communicate..."

Hi everyone,

after successfully installing the Zotero OpenOffice.org Integration 3.1a2 with Zotero 2.1b2, I encounter a new problem.

Everytime I push one of the buttons: "Insert Citation", "Edit Citation", "Insert Bibliography" or "Edit Bibliography" I got the message: "action not supported Invalid procedure call" or the window with "OpenOffice could not communicate..."
After "action not supported Invalid procedure call" the makro window is open and it stops at:
"Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias _
"FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName _
As String) As Long" highlighting the word "Long"

OS language German
Windows 7 Enterprise (64) system
Firefox 3.6.12
LibreOffice 3.3.0 OOO330m12 (Build:2) libreoffice-build

Zotero 2.1b2
Zotero OpenOffice Integration 3.1a2

Does anybody know any help.
Thank you very much in advance

All the best

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