Should Zotero items appear in the Awesome Bar?
I was just organising my bookmarks and wordered if I should migrate them entirely to Zotero, which is obviously much more powerful than the conventional bookmark library of Firefox.
I then realised that one feature I would miss is the possibility to "search" my bookmarks simply via the URL bar (aka Awesome Bar). I.e., I can type something into the URL bar, and if it matches the name of a bookmark, the bookmark will appear as a suggestion in the results list, with a star next to it. That's a very handy feature.
What would you think of adding Zotero items to the address bar-suggestions in a similar way? It would be awesome indeed to be able to type the name of an author, or the title of a paper, into the address bar and get results from the Zotero database. In particular, Zotero could then completely replace conventional bookmarks.
Would it be hard to implement? Any objections?
I was just organising my bookmarks and wordered if I should migrate them entirely to Zotero, which is obviously much more powerful than the conventional bookmark library of Firefox.
I then realised that one feature I would miss is the possibility to "search" my bookmarks simply via the URL bar (aka Awesome Bar). I.e., I can type something into the URL bar, and if it matches the name of a bookmark, the bookmark will appear as a suggestion in the results list, with a star next to it. That's a very handy feature.
What would you think of adding Zotero items to the address bar-suggestions in a similar way? It would be awesome indeed to be able to type the name of an author, or the title of a paper, into the address bar and get results from the Zotero database. In particular, Zotero could then completely replace conventional bookmarks.
Would it be hard to implement? Any objections?
Personally I prefer to keep my bookmarks and my references separate, but this is a matter of opinion.
My problem with the Zotero-Bookmark-duality is that there is no clear line between them. It is hard to decide whether an item is better represented as a bookmark or as a Zotero entry, which in turn makes it hard to have a consistent system for what should go to Zotero and what should go to the bookmarks. Even if I'd be happy with using both simultaneously, I might forget where I put a particular item. Without a central search function, I'd always have to look in both databases.
This might sound like a small problem, but I believe that centralised access to information is hugely powerful for information management. It can lead to serendipitous (re-)discovery of information that would otherwise have remained unused. The Awesome Bar goes a long way in that direction, which should be exploited by Zotero.
Do you happen to know off-hand whether there is a defined way for add-ons to contribute to the awesome bar?