Scopus translator broken. report ID 1182937783

The Scopus translator remains broken as per my earlier report. I did not include a report ID on that one so I have started this new one. I hope this can be addressed soon as this translator has been broken for a couple of months now. I used to use Scopus & Zotero on a daily basis but I may have to abandon one or the other if this can't be fixed.
  • see, e.g., here:
    the main problem (apart from overall limited resources) is that Scopus is not very common in the US and none of the usual suspects seems to have access - which makes this a lot harder to fix...
  • But I have been sent some sample pages to test on, and I hope to take a look at fixing the translator in the next week or so.
  • I have been in touch with the folks at Scopus and they seem quite interested in developing a translator. They have came back to me with multiple questions that I can't answer. Is there someone I can put them in touch with who can help with their translator questions?
    for questions and getting in touch with people who can help
    for "documentation" - which, at this point, is unfortunately still very poor, with many gaps, and somewhat outdated - but I don't think there is anything better out there.
  • First of all, apologies for still not having worked on this myself. Second, adamsmith's advice is correct. They should post to zotero-dev, and we'll help out. If they have questions that for some reason can't be aired in a public forum, they can email me personally, but zotero-dev really is the best forum, at least in part because I'm behind on Zotero stuff these days.
  • For the past one week I have not been able to work with Scopus and Zotero...
    I have tried and tested all of the possible solutions, but failed each time.

    Before, I could easily save all of the chosen articles from Scopus to my Zotero...
    Anyone to reach out ???
  • keiv - if you read the thread, you'll see that Scopus hasn't been working for most people for a long time. Not sure why that was even working for you until last week. Also see the above thread for why this is taking a while to fix.
  • Well - I just heard from Scopus. They now say that Zotero is third party software so Zotero needs to fix it.
  • Sure it's 3rd party - (as are Endnote and Refworks...) - EBSCO and Wilson support Zotero translators, - Scopus seems to be lagging behind the competition... I'd think that's rather risky on their part.
    Maybe someone will still write a translator for scopus - it'd certainly be nice to have - but as I've mentioned before, it's not very widely used in the US, so none of the usual suspects have access...
  • I've made some more changes, and this is ready to go. Install as described below, test, and let me know how it goes. Note that if you use a proxy, you will need to set it up properly in the Zotero preferences for the translator to work properly with Scopus.

    Go to and save the file to the translators directory of your Zotero data directory ( Restart Firefox.
  • Thanks ajlyon - that seems to be working. It would be nice if it could grab the abstract as well...?
  • Actually I should also note that when multiple citations are obtained at the same time the "Could not save item" error pop-up appears though the the items do appear to be saved...
  • Abstracts may not happen yet-- sorry. But I think I've fixed the error pop-up issue.

    Please go to and save the file to the translators directory of your Zotero data directory (

    Reload the page and see if the error goes away.
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