NeoOffice plugin: error on reference insert

I'm getting the following error when attempting to insert citations, the plugin worked when I first installed it but it stopped working after I shutdown my macbook pro and turned it back on the next morning. I've tried re-installing the plugin to no avail.

An error occurred communicating with Zotero:
java.lang.Exception: Invalid field type Field

Could it be that Apple haven't defined the field type 'Field' in their JRE? Or is this a NeoOffice problem?

System Version: Mac OS X 10.6.4 (10F569)
Kernel Version: Darwin 10.4.0
  • Does this happen in a new document?
  • Thanks Simon, I just tried and yes it does! Too bad I just handed in my Masters proposal but used the export option manually from Zotero and pasted in all my references.

    Thanks for the tip!
  • Hi Paul and Simon,

    What is it exactly that Simon suggested and which worked for Paul? I have the same problem on a PC with an ODT document which was originally a word document and into which notes were added in word with the zotero-word plugin. New documents seem to work fine. I removed all the notes made in word but I still have the problem.
  • If it's now an ODT document, the Word field codes have been lost.

    If you can open the original Word document, click the cog icon on the Zotero Word toolbar to open Zotero Document Preferences, and switch the "Format Using" preference to "Bookmarks", and re-save this new document, the fields will work when with

    You can also copy and paste the contents of your ODT into a new document and you will be able to add new fields, but Zotero will disregard all previously inserted fields.
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