Debug ID D218501203


There seem to be 15 files corrupted in some manner or other either in my database or on my online webdav sync server. They're mentioned in the debug output ID D218501203.

What is the best way to deal with them? Zotero keeps downloding them each time I sync. It's about 50Mb worth of files which is occasionally frustrating. Ideally I'd like to leave them in the database and just ignore them for now but I don't really want it to keep downloading them.

  • Hey,

    This bug is still a problem for me. I've been looking into it a bit more.

    For those that don't have access to the debug output, it basically says that it downloaded those 15 files but they weren't valid zip files (all files that are synced are stored in zip format on the webdav server). I've done a bit more searching through my database and in fact the files are perfectly accessible to me (and they did not originate on this computer so they are being correctly synced). So basically, for some reason each time that they are downloaded zotero thinks that the zip files are corrupted and marks them for re-downloading at the next sync.

    If anyone can come up with a suggestion to stop all of this unnecessary syncing it would be great. 50Mb is a heavy load to sync every time I use zotero.

  • 1) Only four files are being downloaded. The others are missing from the server. You can't tell how much is actually being downloaded from Zotero's progress meter.

    2) Have you checked to see if those four ZIP files are actually valid? That is, downloaded them and extracted them? (You'll see gibberish filenames, but you can check if you can actually extract them. I wouldn't be surprised if they were 0-byte files or otherwise corrupt.) If they're not valid, delete them (and their corresponding .prop files) from the server, do a Reset File Sync History on another synced computer that has those files, and resync.
  • Thanks,

    by deleting the four zip files and resetting the file sync history I've managed to stop the 50Mb transfer of files on each sync. For what it's worth, the zip files weren't corrupted as far as unzip is concerned. Zotero continues to check the same 15 files (including the 4 deleted ones) on each sync but at least no file transfer takes place so there's no load on my system.

  • It was likely a problem with Firefox's cache, then.
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