Easier access to citation microformats or COinS

One of the things I love about Zotero is that I can format citations while making it easier for others to avoid typing.

HTML bibliographies expose COinS, amidst a lot of styles. This can be frustrating, as Mark Lindner has remarked:

To grab COinS from Zotero, I usually create bibliography -> HTML -> Save, then edit the resulting HTML file.

I'd prefer a context menu option which offered to paste COinS to the clipboard. I want the simplest version. I could envision one of two formats--with the citation, or just with the COinS.

Either with the citation:
Gill, K. S. (2010). Beyond logic and rhetoric: the argumentative scientist. AI & SOCIETY. doi:10.1007/s00146-010-0301-7  

or without it:

I know that in this case Zotero is probably going to grab the DOI, but I've had less success using the DOI with other systems. Alternately, RDFa or some citation microformat could be exposed.

  • This has been requested before. If you check the 'copy as HTML' option of the export tab, you can use quick copy to copy citations+COinS, a'la:

    (1)A Herrmann et al Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 1995, 37, 17.  
    You can presumably get just the COinS by making a minimal style.
  • I could easily make an export translator that made COinS for items. We could do RDFa too... If we set translator options, this could even be a universal embedded metadata export translator.

    Now if only the citation engine were available to export translators...
  • Sorry, I can't understand what you're talking about.
    "If you check the 'copy as HTML' option of the export tab, you can use quick copy to copy citations+COinS, a'la:"

    I assume you mean the export tab in preferences. When I choose a style and say export as HTML, then either Cmd+Shift+C or drag to a text entry box on a webpage, I don't get COinS at all.

    What am I doing wrong?

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