Problem with new ACM digital library

The ACM recently did an overhaul of the digital library (DL) website. As a result, the zotero translator stopped appearing in the address bar for DL pages. As I understand, the translator works by opening the link to citation info in EndNote format. That link is still there in the new version of the DL, but it might not be accessible in the same way.

Does anyone have a fix for this? I believe I have the latest version of zotero (2.0.9). Anything else specific I should check? Thanks in advance for the help.
  • This needs to be fixed in the translator. If you happen to have programming experience (as many ACM users do...), feel free to edit the translator. You'll find it in the translators directory of the Zotero data directory.

    Otherwise, this will eventually be fixed. You should be able to export records in RIS/Endnote format and have Zotero read them that way for now.
  • The current translator (r7336 in svn) is working again, except that abstracts are not imported when harvesting from the ACM results page.
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