zotero 2.1 multiple citations by same author and same year

I encountered another bug in zotero 2.1: When citing a book by author x published in year YYYY zotero automatically adds a letter after the year if I have another book of author x and year YYYY in my library. This happens even if I haven't quoted any other book by the same author and year in the current document (APA style).

I reverted to zotero 2.0.9. 2.1. is too bugy. Are these all known issues? Where should I post these bugs? Or should I just ignore it because there are other guys out there bug hunting the whole day?
  • Your bug reports are very much welcome.

    There has been a lot of work going into testing the new CSL processor, and we'll have to see if the behavior you describe has already been fixed.

    Several similar issues have been fixed in the trunk builds-- the 2.1 beta has not been brought up to speed with these fixes. Since there are quite a few such small errors that have been detected, I hope we'll see a new beta 2 in the near future so that people aren't stuck with old bugs.
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