The attached document is lost. It may be removed outside Zotero

I use Zotero Chinese version, and have modified several documents in my office computer and synced. I could also find them by visiting my library at

However, when I use my home laptop, these documents cannot be open. It indicates something like that "The attached document is lost. It may be removed outside Zotero .."

Do you know how to handle it? Many thanks and very much look forward to hearing from you.
  • Thank you so much for the prompt reply it is really helpful. I tried the last step "choose Reset File Sync History, generate a Debug ID for a sync attempt and an attempt to open the file". It seems to work now. BTW, the Debug ID is D322276478.

    I really hope that I need not do so everytime before I sync:)

    Do you know why the problem occurs?
  • that shouldn't happen regularly, no worries.
  • Thank u so much. Have a nice day:)
  • Hi adamsmith

    Unfortunately everydayI get the message "Attached file could not be found. It may have been moved or deleted." when I try to open a file on a synced computer. I have to take last step "choose Reset File Sync History, generate a Debug ID for a sync attempt and an attempt to open the file".
    The Debug ID is D1270330327.

    Could you please help me to solve this problem? Many thanks
  • I don't see the file you're trying to open in that output. Can you provide a separate Debug ID for that?
  • Thanks a lot. Do you know how to provide a separate Debug ID for that?
  • Just the follow the same instructions, but the action in question is attempting to open the file.
  • Thanks. The problem remains that I could not Sync at my laptop at home. I follow your advice of attempting to open the file.

    The Debug ID is D1884447000

    Look forward to hearing from you
  • BTW, after sending the separate Debug ID (D1884447000) for attempting opening the file, I tried "choose Reset File Sync History, generate a Debug ID for a sync attempt and an attempt to open the file" whose Debug ID is D1837911151

  • This should be fixed.
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