Yet another sync problem

Zotero has been exceedingly slow (i.e., not finishing to sync) since late last week. I suspect this has to do with the recent upgrade on the server side.

In any case, I am now getting sync conflict reports repeatedly about the same items. I don't really have to do anything, and I even disabled automatic syncing - it's still just going merrily along.

Report ID: 784304904

(on mac OSX 10.6.4 / firefox 3.6.11)
  • edited October 27, 2010
    zotero recommended a sync reset, so I'm doing that now - "merge" as I've managed to make changes on at least two systems since last successful sync :(
  • Merge on a sync reset failed too... bummer. Seems to be sticking on the same items, new report id: 1012014463

    I will try again and see if I just leave it do whatever it wants (i.e. leave my bibliography screwed up on a few items)...
  • That seems to have resolved the problem (letting the conflicts resolve by simply hitting continue). This seems pointless, if I can't change anything (without breakage)!
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