Support for BibTeX "@PhdThesis" and "@MastersThesis"?

It seems that the type Phd Thesis (and Masters Thesis) is not properly supported.

(1) One problem is that there is a type "Thesis", but it does not differ between Masters and PhD.

(2) Another problem is that even if I pick "Thesis", the generated BibTex will say "@article", instead of "@PhdThesis".
This is when I right-click an item and click "Create Bibliography from selected item ..." and choose "BibTex generic" format.

Is there a fix or workaround? Thanks!

    For (1), we MAY be able to enter the type of thesis on import (into the type field).
    For (2): ALL theses are currently exported as @phdthesis & you should provide examples if you are encountering something different. Per the thread in 6276, there are potential fixes, but "type" is freeform & zotero allows more thesis-types than are common in BibTeX. Another, not mentioned there, is to export the 'type' field (as BibTeX supports this).
  • I just updated to the latest Zotero version 2.0.9 and it still appears as "@article" in BibTeX, where the type is "Thesis" in my Zotero library.

    I create this bibtex entry using the "BibTeX generic citation style (dev)" format in Quick Copy or "Create Bibliography from selected item .."
  • try export-->BibTex rather than cite as a test.
  • Thanks, that works and uses "@phdthesis"!

    But it's unusable for me since it wants to save this to a file and there is no option to "copy to clipboard". I often find single references in my zotero and need to copy them over to my bibtex file. Exporting to file and opening that file and copying from it everytime is too much effort ...
  • sure that should be fixed - that was just a test.
  • The BibTeX CSL is not really encouraged for use. You can set Zotero to quick copy in the export formats, such as BibTeX. Then You can drag/drop references or Ctrl-Alt-C to copy them.
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