Zotero sqlite backup

There is a feauture to backup a sqlite database. I think it could be improved.

1) Every time I start Firefox, there are a few bytes of sqlite database being changed. I am curious why and what being changed in database ? Probably, the date of last access, or something like this.

2) Even, if I do not Zotero every day, backups are being made on the daily basis. It's a little bit not optimal - backups should be made if something changes. I think that a few bytes change, described above, does not warrant a full copy of database.

These behaviour maybe OK for generic desktop usage, but it interferes with online backup software. Every day I see Zotero's sqlite database (weighting a hundred of megabytes) being uploaded with no good reason.

It would be nice, if Zotero improves in this direction.
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