Commons issue (D170506509)
My bucket doesn't exist:
Do buckets take some time to be created? I saw a warning about items taking time to appear, but nothing about buckets. FWIW, my attachments and metadata are all in Russian, so I suspected a Unicode issue until I saw the error message in the debug output.
<Error>...<Message>The specified bucket does not exist.</Message>
<Resource>readable-id-goes-here-gorkii not found by find_item.php</Resource>
Do buckets take some time to be created? I saw a warning about items taking time to appear, but nothing about buckets. FWIW, my attachments and metadata are all in Russian, so I suspected a Unicode issue until I saw the error message in the debug output.
Let us know if it doesn't work after a while.
This is actually error 500 from the web server receiving the POST request, instead of a No Bucket error as above. My guess is that it might be the Cyrillic title, but we shouldn't break on Unicode in this day and age.