Add citation without a mouse click


I use Zotero together with Word 2008 on a Mac. When I add a citation with ctrl-alt-a, the focus goes to Zotero and the search box is automatically highlighted. This allows me to find my citation (or a list of them) without lifting my fingers from the keyboard. However, once I found the citation, I must use the mouse to select it. It would be great if I could use <tab> to enter the list of citations, then <up/down> to select the right one, then <enter> to insert it. Or is this actually possible and I just don't know how it's done?

thanks for a great piece of software!

  • You can do it—it's just a little awkward currently. Tab twice and <up/down> should get you into the items list. Another <tab> (out of the items list) and <enter> will accept the selection.

    The extra <up/down> and <tab> should be unnecessary, of course.
  • Got it. Silly me, I missed it because no item in the list is highlighted when you focus on it.
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