Case of titles in bibliography after downloading references from web?

Hi all,

I have a problem I'm trying to solve: when I download some references by clicking the "save to Zotero" icon in the address bar, the titles come out in all CAPITALS.

For example, if you go to this reference:

and download into Zotero, the title is all in capital letters.

So then when I go to insert bibliography in a word doc, in the reference list, the title of that reference is all in CAPITALS, which is not as per that particular citation style (this happens for all different styles).

My question is: is there a way to make the title all in sentence case by either:

a) Changing something so when Zotero downloads a reference into the library it changes the title to sentence case; or,

b) Changing something in the Citation styles so that when you create a bibliography in a doc it changes the title into the appropriate case for that style.

I'd rather not have to change each title manually in Zotero after I download each citation...

Hope I've explained it clearly...

  • Zotero will do that by default only for translators that specify it. The Wiley translator is currently broken, which means Zotero is falling back to DOI, which does not do it, but probably should if some data is being returned that way.
  • Someone else will answer your style question, but I'll also just note that case handling in Zotero will be generally improved in the future. (Search on "sentence case" for many convoluted threads about this.)
  • Thanks Dan,

    You're right, the Wiley one always stuffs up, when I downloaded from others it works.

  • How about the EBSCOHost translator? Can we help with this?
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