Combining 'Advanced Search' with 'Full Text Search'

Hi there fellow zotero users and developers,

Maybe I have missed it, but is there a way to combine the 'advanced search' where you can list articles by certain qualifiers with the 'full text search' available in the main window?

For instance, if I would like to see all articles including the phrase "flux compensator" but then I would like to see only those written by a certain author, because I happen to have a grotesquely big collection on this topic.

Sometimes the full text search gives me too many results and I think by using additional qualifiers from the 'advanced search' it would be possible to narrow them down brilliantly.

What do you think of this idea? Could the combined 'advanced search' and 'full text search' be a feature in future versions of zotero?

Best, Ben
  • One quick(ish) work around that I've used to do this kind of thing, is to do a full text search and then tag all the results. That way you can do an advanced search for the tag and then whatever other restrictions you want.
  • Thanks Jon, I'll try that one out as a workaround for now and see what the future brings for additional search functionality.
    Best, Ben
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