unable to sync

Hello, Thank yo for your help and patience with my lack of techispeak (if this is Dan Stillman). I am unable to sync. I have made a successful sync after restarting firefox on each occasion. Will I have to do this all the time? Do you know of any other services similar to this other than "Onenote? If I pay for more space (although I'm not near the maximum) would I still have this problem? Additionally, I am having trouble in the group library (GL) section. In "My Library" (ML) I am able to create a new note and in the related section place the connection to a PDF in the main library (not in the file where the note is). However in GL I cannot do this. I can only create a note and link it to a PDF if it is in the Subfolder. When it is in the main folder of the GL it won't work. May you help me?
  • Report the sync error and provide the Report ID.
  • Previously the report id was 1258900044, but now it's just spinning. with the getting update from server for hours
  • Provide a Debug ID for five minutes of the spinning.
  • The Debug ID is D1632444244.
  • That appears to only be two minutes' worth.
  • edited August 26, 2010
    Ah, there are another couple minutes in there that I missed.

    Restart Firefox and provide a Debug ID for 10 minutes of sync icon spinning. (The key is to capture debug output of both the initial sync that works and at least five minutes of the spinning that isn't ending.)
  • When you said there wasn't enough I retrieved this The Debug ID is D1879598340.

    Shall I still restart and
  • Yes. There's no syncing going on there.
  • try these

    The Debug ID is D87609219.

    The Debug ID is D2135922350.

    The Debug ID is D123737131.
  • its still spinning, and i guess im still logging lines
  • You have a queued upload. It's not a problem.
  • Will I have to do this all the time? Do you know of any other services similar to this other than "Onenote? If I pay for more space (although I'm not near the maximum) would I still have this problem? Additionally, I am having trouble in the group library (GL) section. In "My Library" (ML) I am able to create a new note and in the related section place the connection to a PDF in the main library (not in the file where the note is). However in GL I cannot do this. I can only create a note and link it to a PDF if it is in the Subfolder. When it is in the main folder of the GL it won't work. May you help me?
  • Do what? It's syncing. We're working to speed it up, but don't worry about it.
  • restart firefox everytime, thats the only time it "works"
    i waited 16 hours for it just to say upload accepted.
    May you also answer my other questions please
  • Your sync just finished and was retrieved by your Zotero client. Is it still spinning?
  • No, it is not spinning. Thank you very much for your continued help.

    However, my questions:

    1. Everytime it does not sync within the recommended (2-3hours) what recourse do I have besides restarting firefox? I am trying to understand this service as I am the trial person for a large client database.

    1a. If I pay for more space (although I'm not near the maximum) would I still have this problem?

    2. I am also asking if you may know of any other similar services? I am only aware of onenote.

    3. In My Library I am able to create a new note and in the related section place the connection to a PDF in the main library (not in the file where the note is). However in Group Library I cannot do this. I can only create a note and link it to a PDF if it is in the Subfolder. When it is in the main folder of the Group Library it won't work. Is this a glitch or a program restraint?
  • edited August 26, 2010
    Do you have debug output from when I said it had finished? Ah, you said it was no longer spinning. Continued spinning over an hour indicates a bug, but if it happens at all it should be very rare. Usually when people think it's still spinning it's just multiple successive syncs, and you can see recent data on zotero.org.
  • Re: #3, I don't really follow. You'd have to provide exact steps to reproduce.
  • how do i rid bugs?
  • Given that when I actually looked at your issue it didn't appear you had one, I can't really advise you on that. But if this happens frequently you can capture debug output for syncs (clearing the output between successful syncs to avoid excess output) and provide a Debug ID if it's been spinning for more than an hour (and if, when you hover over the spinning sync icon, it says a last-sync time greater than an hour).
  • An attempt to "reproduce" problem 3:

    Back ground:
    I have three libraries: my library ML, 2 group libraries (GL) GLHH-hence the group name and GLNL new trial.

    ML was created and toyed with for a while to learn Zotero
    GLHH was greated to learn Zotero groups and possible envite 1 other test member
    GLNT was created to test a problem that occured in GLHH.

    Creation of GLHH:

    1. I created GLHH by clicking the new group tab. followed the instructions and made the personal settings.

    2.I then highlighted all files in ML and dragged them to GLHH (This was done because I realized noone can be added to ML, rather a new group must be created and all the files I worked on in ML were quite fitting, and I put alot of time into crafting them so another test member/colleague could try it out).

    3. I then created (for GLHH) new collection folders with duplicate titles of every collection folder from ML .

    4. I then dragged files from the GLHH main collection into GLHH folder collections to mimic what I had in ML.

    ***a note on this process (or rather the problem at hand within this process). Folder Collections I created in ML consist of new notes. in those new notes I have "related" PDF files to the note. In ML I can double click on this file in the related section and Zotero will take me to that file ***

    5. The note I dragged from GLHH main collection to a folder collection in GLHH contained and words in the note, but the tag and PDF did not travel with it.

    6. I clicked related in the note in GLHH in attempt to add the correspondent PDF.

    7. after adding the PDF the words are there but when i click the words (i.e. the "related's title" nothing happens.

    Why is this?

    Creation of GLNT:

    I replicated the process above after restarting and going through the process we just went through in the last hour with the same result.

    Why is this?
  • edited August 26, 2010
    First, is there a reason you're using standalone notes and PDFs? The standard process in Zotero is to have bibliographic items with attached PDFs and notes. Then you wouldn't have to move items separately into collections. Standalone notes should only be necessary if the notes pertain to more than one item.

    But I'm still not really understanding your issue—or at the very least I can't reproduce it, since Related works fine for me in group libraries, and clicking the related item's title focuses the related item in the middle pane—so I'm going to have to let someone else help you.
  • yes, in the standalone's i can edit the notes from a separate window. when i upload a pdf i can add notes but only a small box.

    but im not quite sure what you mean by "The standard process in Zotero is to have bibliographic items with attached PDFs and notes. Then you wouldn't have to move items separately into collections. Standalone notes should only be necessary if the notes pertain to more than one item."
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