First name of author appears in citation field incorrectly

Hi, I'm running version 2.0.3 on Windows XP and using Chicago Manual of style (author - date format) as the citation style in the word 2003 doc that is the draft of my thesis. The doc is 15.4 MB. When I insert a citation into the text for some, but not all, authors the first name of the author appears along with the last. This does not happen if I insert citations by those authors into a new word doc. This seems to suggest that zotero and my thesis doc are not communicating properly. However, I have also recently had this problem with other word docs.
I've searched the topics and found nothing about this so if anybody can help then I would be very grateful.
  • edited August 23, 2010
    It's almost certainly this:

    Or, if you have E Smith and F Smith, then it will include this initial - as disambiguation
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