Style Request: NP405

As many Portuguese users, I need to use the NP504 style, a standard from the government office that represents Portugal on ISO:

Similar style: the NP405 is based on ISO 690(1987) and ISO 690-2(1997) so the Zotero Style ISO690 is pretty much similar, and as far as citations it works rather well.

Differences from similar style:
The main differences are in Bibliographies. The first is, of course, the language. Here some translations that I think cover the (basic) needs :
accessed = consult.
available from = disponível em
cited = citado em
e-book = livro electrónico
online = em linha
serial on the Internet = revista electrónica
updated = actual. em

Other difference: the use of [ ]

In the NP405, [ ] are reserved for information that relies on the user interpretation or metadata. In the Zotero Style ISO690, the Place Published appears between [ ], but in the NP405, if I use [Lisboa], it means that I can assume that the book was published there (because I know the publishing house as its headquarters in Lisbon), but that isn’t printed anywhere in the book. It is used as well for unknown publisher = [s.n.], unknown or uncertain date = [s.d.] or [192…?], for example.

Other difference: authors

The last name of the author should be in CAPS.
2 to 3 authors the names should separated by ; and no use of the word “and” (that in Portuguese would be “e”); >3 authors = ISO 690

Link to style guide:
The official standards can be purchased at However, some universities display the documents in PDF in their pages, as for example:
There are some universities that offer manuals to use NP405, like Portuguesas

All the documents are in Portuguese so, unless there is some Portuguese speaker willing to cooperate, I don’t think they would be of much use.

I add next some examples (from the official standards), where I tried my best to make the correspondence of the fields with Zotero. But as I’m no expert in bibliographies (I’m an archaeologist) I had some difficulties.

The major one is the field “Notes” that is nothing to do with Zotero Notes. On a first approach it would be simple to match this field with Zotero field “Extra”, but the NP405 places there some information that should better placed in specific fields: item type, conference name, institution, version, performer, report or thesis type, are some examples. In bibliographic style’s concern, the contents of that field should be displayed at de end, just before ISBN/ISSN.

I wasn’t exhaustive in the item types examples but I think I chose the main ones, from which the correspondence to the others can be found.

Some relevant rules:

If published, Conference Papers should be treated as Book Sections, and Conference Proceedings as Books.

If unpublished, Thesis and other academic works, Conference Papers, Presentations, Reports, should follow the Unpublished Document (printed) example. If available from internet like e-book example.

Titles should be in italic like ISO690

I hope my long style request is understandable... Thanks for the help!

maria josé

AUTHOR – Title: subtitle. Secondary author. Edition. Place: Publisher, date. # pages. (Series title, series number). Notes. ISBN.

DIJK, Teun A. van – Texto y contexto: semântica y pragmática del discurso. Introd. de António Garcia Berrio; trad. de Juan Domingo Moyano. 2ª ed. Madrid: Cátedra, 1984. 357 p. (Crítica y Estudios Literários, 32). Tradução de: Text and context. ISBN 84-376-0219-X

e-BOOK (or any authored electronic resource)
AUTHOR – Title [resource type]. Edition. Place: Publisher, date, actual. Last Modified. [Consult. accessed ]. Notes. Disponível em . ISBN.

OOLSON, Nancy B. [et al.] - Catalogin Internet resources [Em linha]. 2nd ed. Dublin: OCLC, 1997, actual. 1999-06-22. [Consult. 2001-03-24]. Também publicado nos EUA. Disponível em WWW:. ISBN 1-55653-236-9.

SECTION AUTHOR – Section Title. In BOOK AUTHOR – Title. Place: Publisher, date. ISBN. p. pages.

SCHEFLEN, Albert E. – Système de la communication humaine; trad. par Denis Bansard. In WINKIN, Yves – La nouvelle communication. Paris: Seuil, 1981. ISBN 2-02-006069-8. p. 145-157.


AUTHOR – Title. Secondary author. Place: Publisher. ISSN. Vol. volume, n.º issue (date), pages.

KEIRSTEAD, Carol – Lowell looks for answers. Photogr. James Higgins and Joan Ross. Equity and Choice. Boston: Institute for Responsive Education. ISSN 0882-2863. Vol.3, n.º 2 (1987), p. 28-33.

AUTHOR – Title. Journal. [resource type]. Vol. Volume. n.º number (date), p. pages. [Consult. accessed ]. Notes. Disponível em . ISSN.

PRICE-WILKTN, John – Using the World Wide Web to deliver complex electronic documents: implications for libraries. The Public Access Computer Systems Review [Em linha]. Vol. 5, nº 3 (1994), p. 5-21. [Consult. 28 Abr. 1994]. Disponível na Internet: . ISSN-1048-6542.

AUTHOR – Title. [Document type]. Date. # pages. Notes. Disponível em Archive (Institution, Place, Country). Call Number.

CAMINHA, Pero de Andrade – [Carta] 1586 Dez. 6, Vila Viçosa [a] Duarte Nunes de Leão [Manuscrito]. 1586. 16 f Autografado. Disponível em Biblioteca Nacional, Lisboa, Portugal. COD 242/3.

AUTHOR – Title. [document type].Escala Scale. Aditional scale information. Date. Number of itens and item type: Other physical description; Size. Disponível em Archive (Institution, Place, Country). Call Number.

ALBERNAZ João Teixeira – [Carta da África Oriental]. [Material cartográfico]. Escala [ca. 1:24700000]. 1º de latitude = 0,45 cm. 1667. 1 carta: color.; 46x30 cm. Diponível na Biblioteca Nacional, Lisboa, Portugal. CC 457V.

AUTHOR – Title. Date. # pages. Notes. Disponível em Archive (Institution, Place, Country).

DOMINGUES, Fernanda da Conceição; LARANJINHA, João António Nave; BARROS, Paula Maria Neto – Quem no espaço do medicamento?. 1982. 10 f. Trabalho académico por alunos do 4º ano da Faculdade de Farmácia, no âmbito da cadeira de Sociologia. Disponível em Faculdade de Farmácia, Coimbra, Portugal.

AUTHOR – Title. [document type]. Secondary author. Place: Publisher. Date. Number of itens and item type. Running time. Notes. ISBN.

DEBUSSY, Claude – Prélude à l’aprês-midi d’un faune; Nocturne; La mer. [registo sonoro]. Orchestre de la Suisse Romande; Armin Jordan (dir.). [s.l.]: Erato, 1991. 1 disco (CD). 75’43’’. Choeur de Chambre Romande, Chef de Choeur André Charlet. Faixa 1 gravada em 1988; faixas 2 e 3 gravadas em 1990. 2292-45605-2.
  • Hi there,

    Did anyone answer to this? I would like to help... but I don't have all the skils. :-(
  • Unfortunately no… I managed to make minor changes, like translating to Portuguese some expressions and removing [ ] from place published, but to go any further I don’t have the necessary skills either!
  • I have created a group for this: NP 405

    So please join!
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