Parenthetical in Text Citation - APA 6th Edition

For parenthetical in text citations with three, four, or five authors, the first citation should include all author names, subsequent citations can use the first authors name and et al., according to the American Psychological Association 6th Edition, pg 177.

Zotero uses et al. in the first and subsequent citations for three or more authors. Is this something I can change or is it a bug that needs to be fixed in a future release.

Thank you in advance for your help.

  • For parenthetical in text citations with three, four, or five authors, the first citation should include all author names ...
    What if there are two authors?

    In any case, if this is in fact a bug in the style, it ought to be easy enough to fix. We just like to be 100% of the details before making changes to such widely used styles.
  • If there are two authors, the first and subsequent parenthetical citations should be in the format (author1 & author2, yyyy). This is what zotero currently does. If there are six or more authors, the first and subsequent parenthetical citations should be in the format (author1 et al., yyyy). This is what zotero currently does.

    It is only for the groups of three, four, or five authors that the first parenthetical citation is not in the correct format. Zotero current formats the first and subsequent parenthetical citations using the format (author1 et al., yyyy). This is fine for the subsequent citations, but the first citation is supposed to include all authors names.

    Below is a link to a tutorial about the APA style manual. If you go to slide 15, there is a table that shows the proper format for in text citations for various number of authors. I tried to paste in a print screen but couldn't.

  • Please disregard my question. I discovered what I was doing wrong. Zotero is working properly according to the APA manual 6th addition for in text citations. Thank you and I apologize for any inconvenience.

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